Reorienting public agriculture R&D for achieving sustainable, nutritious and climate resilient food systems in Nigeria

Reorienting public agriculture R&D for achieving sustainable, nutritious and climate resilient food systems in Nigeria

This is a joint publication by the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture and Sahel Consulting Agriculture & Nutrition Ltd., as part of the global study focusing on reprioritizing agricultural R&D agenda to address future needs.

The agricultural research ecosystem in Nigeria is complex and characterized by several actors and stakeholders who shape the policy and funding environment and support the implementation of programmes. However, the activities of the National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARIs) and international research institutes are central to the agriculture and food research landscape in Nigeria.

The NARIs have formal mandates to conduct research on food and tree crops, livestock and fisheries, extension services, mechanization, and post-harvest management. The NARIs achieve these research mandates through collaboration with several stakeholders such as educational institutions, state-based Agricultural Development Programmes (ADPs), NGOs, private companies, farmer organizations, and development organizations. Six of the 15 CGIAR Centres are active in Nigeria and collaborate with the NARIs and other stakeholders to conduct research and implement donor-funded agriculture and food programs.

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