Overview of the Nutrition Study The Nigerian Dairy Development Program (NDDP) is a processor-led program implemented by Sahel Consulting, in partnership with leading dairy processors; Friesland Campina WAMCO in Oyo State
Sahel Consulting Agriculture and Nutrition Ltd (Sahel) is seeking a firm to conduct an impact study on the Nigerian Dairy Development Program (NDDP). NDDP is a processor-led dairy development program
Overview of the Gender Study The overall goal of the study was to analyze gender relations among smallholder dairy households targeted by NDDP, with the view to design interventions for
Overview of the Baseline Study The Nigerian Dairy Development Program (NDDP) is a processor-led dairy program implemented by Sahel Capital Partners & Advisory Limited (“Sahel”) in partnership with leading dairy
Overview of the Baseline Study The Nigerian Dairy Development Program (NDDP) is a processor-led dairy program implemented by Sahel Capital Partners & Advisory Limited in partnership with leading dairy processors