12:45 pm – 1:00 pm
Participants’ log in
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Welcome Remarks
Setting the Tone: “Transforming Africa’s Agriculture and Nutrition Landscape: The Journey so Far”
Keynote Address: “Creating an Enabling Ecosystem for Africa to Nourish the World”
Africa is primed for agricultural excellence, yet, we continue to face various barriers throughout the continent that hinder this vision. This fireside chat will discuss how key stakeholders, can create an enabling ecosystem, with private sector at the heart of this transformation.
Fireside Chat:
Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina
African Development Bank Group (AFDB)
Dr. Agnes Kalibata
Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
Dr. Rajiv J. Shah
The Rockefeller Foundation
2:40 pm – 3:40 pm
1st Set of Concurrent Panels:
Panel A: Agricultural Development & Economic Transformation: Global Eye View
2:50 pm – 3:40 pm
Christopher Brett
Lead Agribusiness Specialist,
World Bank
Panel B: Leveraging Technology & Innovation to Leapfrog
Farms, food processing facilities and logistics/storage providers have the opportunity to leapfrog by leveraging the advancements in digital, innovation and technology. The Covid-19 pandemic has only exacerbated and highlighted the importance of these technologies and innovations in the sector. This session will delve deeper into practical ways that key stakeholders in the sector can leverage tech and innovation with the aim of achieving zero hunger on the continent.
2:40 pm – 3:40 pm
Dr. Angel Adelaja-Kuye
Senior Special Adviser on Agriculture to the Ogun State Governor
Dr. Maneshree Jugmohan-Naidu
Agricultural Biotechnology, South African Department of Science and Innovation
Mark Nelson
Managing Director,
Context Global Network
Prof. Olugbenga Ben Ogunmoyela
Lead Consultant,
Glytabs Consulting Limited
Panel C: The Impact of Big Data on the Food Ecosystem
Effectively utilizing big data in the agriculture and food ecosystem can transform the policy, entrepreneurial and development landscape and key actor interventions. This panel will discuss how and why we as Africans need to generate our own data as well as provide practical examples and recommendations on how we can maximize the use and benefits of the data revolution.
2:40 pm – 3:40 pm
Dr. Daniel Asare-Kyei
Dr. Jessica Fanzo
Bloomberg Distinguished
Associate Professor,
Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Simon Winter
Executive Director,
Syngenta Foundation
3:40 pm
2nd Set of Concurrent Panels:
Panel A: Africa’s Rebirth: The Role of Agriculture in Economic Transformation
3:43 pm – 4:30 pm
Sami Khan
Director: Strategy Food & Agribusiness,
CDC Group plc
Uche Orji
Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority
Atsuko Toda
Agricultural Finance & Rural Development,
African Development Bank
Kees Verbeek
Chief Representative Officer,
Panel B: Women in Agriculture
Despite women playing a vital role in the agricultural value chain, they remain marginalized when it comes to access to assets, training, capital and markets; and we continue to see women excluded from critical aspects of the sector such as logistics, formal processing, research and policy. This panel will discuss how we can close the gender gap in the agriculture and food ecosystem in Africa.
3:43 pm – 4:30 pm
Carla Denizard
Regional Leader for West Africa,
World Vision International
Elohor Diebiru-Ojo
Assistant Specialist,
Cassava Seeds Systems,
Betty Kibaara
Director, Food Initiative,
The Rockefeller Foundation
Vicki Wilde
Senior Program Officer, Agricultural Development,
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Panel C: Nourishing Africa: Building Ecosystems of Support for Africa’s SMEs
In order to truly scale and ensure that we reach the goal of zero hunger, Africa’s private sector must drive the transformation of this landscape through ecosystem support of entrepreneurs and agribusinesses. This session will discuss how various stakeholders can collaborate and partner in order to build a supportive ecosystem within the agricultural landscape.
3:43 pm – 4:30 pm
Olagoke Balogun
Co-founder and CEO,
So Fresh Nigeria
Chidinma Lawanson
Country Manager-Nigeria,
Mastercard Foundation
C.D Glin
President and CEO,
U.S. African Development Foundation
Sunday Silungwe
Co-Founder and Director of Marketing,
Good Nature Agro
Lesego Serolong Holzapefel
Founder and CEO,
Bokamoso Impact Investments
Food Entrepreneurs in Africa: Scaling Resilient Agriculture Businesses ‘’Food Entrepreneurs in Africa: Scaling Resilient Agriculture Businesses’’
4:35 pm – 4:43 pm
Dr. Lawrence Haddad
Executive Director,
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
4:45 pm – 8:00 pm
Closing Remarks and Vote of Thanks
4:45 pm – 4:59 pm
Networking Event – Platform Open
4:59 pm – 8:00 pm