Sahel Consulting Agriculture and Nutrition Ltd (Sahel) is a leading management consulting firm focused on the agricultural and nutrition sectors in Africa. Since our inception in 2010, we have worked on a variety of projects across West Africa in collaboration with public, private and non-profit organizations and development partners.
Sahel Consulting is seeking to engage a technology service provider to develop a commercial fodder producer (CFP) technology system to work in tandem with the already existing ALDDN monitoring and evaluation portal. The CFP Technology system will manage the CFP component of the ALDDN intervention. Its starting point of operation will be from the point of milk supply from the farmers to the dairy processors and its end point of operation will be at the point of feed distribution to the farmers based on the supply and price of milk.
Interested organizations are encouraged to click on the link below to download the RFP and apply as directed.
Request for Proposal – ALDDN Commercial Fodder Producer (IVR) Technology System